A Company Secretary in Singapore’s Guide to the Best Practices for Corporate Governance

A Company Secretary in Singapore’s Guide to the Best Practices for Corporate Governance

In Singapore’s dynamic corporate environment, the role of a company secretary has expanded beyond just routine administrative tasks. As businesses face evolving challenges and complexities, company secretaries have become essential pillars, ensuring that firms consistently meet the highest standards of corporate governance. This article explores these standards, emphasising the crucial role that company secretaries in […]

An Overview: Strike Off Company in Singapore

An Overview Strike-Off Company in Singapore

Companies are established and dissolved daily in a dynamic business landscape like Singapore. One of the most common methods of dissolving a company is through the process of striking off. Striking off a company is a formal procedure governed by Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Although it may sound jarring to some, a […]

Various Advantages of GST Registration Services

GST registration services

Ensuring efficient and streamlined processes is vital to driving growth and prosperity for commerce businesses. Among the crucial processes is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) registration, which plays a pivotal role in Singapore’s business landscape. GST registration services offer significant advantages to businesses, enabling them to thrive and flourish in a competitive market. In […]

Everything You Need to Know About Deductible and Non-Deductible Expenses

Everything You Need to Know About Deductible and Non-Deductible Expenses

A complete report of business expenses is expected when filing for corporate income tax in Singapore, as the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore mandated. This covers resident and non-resident enterprises and requires them to declare all they have spent managing and growing their businesses. The declaration should include payments for advertising, renovation, wages, and CPF […]

4 Things to Consider When Hiring Secretarial Services in Singapore

4 Things to Consider When Hiring Secretarial Services in Singapore

Everyone would agree that hiring the right talents paves the way to a profitable business. Among the employees that should be on board, your company is a competent and qualified secretary. Whether you manage a startup, run an existing corporation, or plan to penetrate the bustling Singaporean business hub, a corporate secretary plays a crucial […]