Company Registration Consultants’ Roles in Setting Up a Business

Starting a business is a dream, if not for all, but for most of us. The idea of managing and growing a company in a business landscape like Singapore is exhilarating because, as the centre of economic growth in Southeast Asia, Singapore offers many opportunities with business-friendly policies. There is no place like the Lion […]

The Advantages of Online Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

The Advantages of Online Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Online accounting and bookkeeping services are crucial in the modern business landscape. Their importance stems from several key factors, from providing businesses with a convenient and efficient way to manage their financial records to offering cost savings for enterprises. With convenience, accuracy, collaboration, and cost-effectiveness at the helm of your business, success is easy to […]

Qualifications and Requirements of a Company Secretary in Singapore

Qualifications and Requirements of a Company Secretary in Singapore

A company secretary Singapore plays an essential part in every business operation. As a professional responsible for ensuring a company’s compliance with all its legal and regulatory requirements, the role of a company secretary is vital in maintaining the integrity and transparency of any Singapore-registered enterprise. That said, reliable company secretary services are non-negotiable when […]

ACRA’s Requirements for Annual Return Filing

Compliance with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory or ACRA is of utmost importance for businesses operating in Singapore. ACRA is the national regulator overseeing company registration, financial reporting, and corporate governance. By adhering to ACRA’s regulations, businesses not only fulfil their legal obligations but also establish credibility, gain investor confidence, and contribute to a transparent […]

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services in Singapore: Which One Should You Get?

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services in Singapore

Do businesses have to choose between accounting and bookkeeping services Singapore? Businesses in Singapore do not necessarily have to choose between accounting and bookkeeping services. Even if these services are different from each other, they are most of the time interrelated, and the same service provider can provide them. It is only right to find […]

What Kind of Accounting Services Does a Business Need?

What Kind of Accounting Services Does a Business Need

Accounting services are essential parts of a company as they are needed for tracking all business expenses. Providing an accurate and comprehensive picture of a company’s financial health is impossible without efficient and affordable accounting services. Because of this need, many service providers in Singapore offer services to provide help to enterprises. The Singaporean business […]

The Purpose of Annual General Meetings

The Purpose of Annual General Meetings

Do you ever wonder why Singapore companies conduct annual general meetings? There is more to an annual general meeting (AGM) than reporting on a business’s activities and financial situation from the previous year. From fulfilling legal obligations to providing a platform for shareholders to come together to discuss integral matters related to the company, all […]

Registered Filing Agent Traits and Qualifications to Look Out For

Registered Filing Agent Traits and Qualifications to Look Out For

A filing agent is an essential member of every company in Singapore because they ensure easy compliance with business requirements mandated by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). While it can be a handful of things managing a business, a registered filing agent makes everything easier by taking care of some transactions on behalf […]

5 Signs That Will Lead to Switching Service Providers

5 Signs That Will Lead to Switching Service Providers

Working with a corporate solutions provider in Singapore has many advantages, including saving time and developing more efficient business operations and processes. And with the right tools and skill set, they have more in store for companies. Service providers should fully understand a client’s business and anything related to their industry. Yet, no one can […]